Thursday, November 17, 2016

Missing Boggs Forest

Just finished the quarterly newsletter on all what is being done at Bogg's Demonstration State Forest after the Valley Fire 2015.  I'm still trying to prepare myself for the transformed forest once it is reopened to the public.

At one point in our life, the forest was the grounding force that kept our family in Cobb.  Now, I wonder with the changes, should we be making changes?   But I am feeling more connected now then in times past.

Monday, March 30, 2015

An awesome weekend with nature.

Got out on the  lake with the boat and then my inflatable stand up paddle board, ISUP.  Such an incredible day!  We ALL live in such a beautiful area you just need to "stop and smell the roses".    I try so hard to NOT take it for granted.  As I was out with my ISUP, I came upon a family of deer along the river bank, a squirrel who went on some pretty skinny branches over my head to check me out, swallows nesting under the bridges, turtles who kept leaping off the top of their sunning rocks every time I got close, fish that were swimming with me checking out this big blue board over their head. Bubbling hot springs coming up from the bottom of the lake.  So incredible to be one with nature and most certainly just what I needed to clear my head.  Whether it's a day, half day or just 10 minutes, it is so important to take the time to be present with nature, it truly clears your head.

Wishing you all to be present in the moment and to MAKE IT COUNT!

Monday, September 8, 2014

A Mother's Love

As a mother the worry and fears around your children never stop they only get more complicated.  When your children grow up and come into their own personalities which not only is emotion a factor now but ego as well.  Oh if only a mother could turn off the worry switch.  So then how does a mother respond to their children and their missteps without showing the influence of this sometimes irrational world being factored into the mix?  A mother wants their children to grow into strong individuals with good values and morals but she must TRUST that she did her job well and they will have their missteps but
they will learn from the fall, maybe not immediate, but over time.  

Monday, August 25, 2014

Emotional Sunday & Crazy Monday - makes me long for my studio!

Had a very hectic & emotional Sunday and now dealing with a crazy  Monday makes me long for time in my studio or on my SUP.  Life is TOO short to not but just how does one fit in all in?  You have to Make each & every moment count. Do what makes you feel good not for the moment but in your life.  Will you regret what ever you plan to do or not do later? Will THIS matter years from now? Are you making a difference and treating those how you would like to be treated? These are the questions I try to ask myself on most days but some days I have to make hard decisions in the moment knowing that the angst I'm feeling now will pay off in the future.  

Friday, August 22, 2014

inner Peace

So true!

More time in the studio :-)

I am so excited to spend more time in my studio!  I have so many new ideas flowing  that I can't wait to start! One can dream for a studio as organized as this one!