Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year!


Here's to hoping the planets line up perfectly to bring  you a wonderful new year!

Remember: Make it count!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Long time no write - sorry!

Hi all,

I have been focusing on my recovery from my surgery in the beginning of November and I have to say I am doing wonderfully!  Just celebrated a wonderful birthday with my family yesterday and feel truly fortunate to to have all the wondrous gifts I have been blessed with.  I am truly believing and feeling the spirit of the season and take every opportunity to "pay it forward".  I know I've said this before but what you give is what you get and I am reaping the rewards a wondrous feeling.  

Saturday morning I made a point to view the "lunar eclipse" and was graced with the appearance of not one but two shooting stars and felt it was a sign.  I have to say it just made me smile and, once again, be thankful for all that I have.  It's the little things....................... wishing you and yours some the little things too!

Thursday, November 24, 2011



I am thankful for….

… you, my readers.

… my two jobs - one working with my staff and another where I get to use my creative talents. 

… for my three dogs who love unconditionally and greet me with a wagging tail no matter what kind of day I've had. 

… for my friends who always seem to be there just when I need them

… for my family who loves and, currently, cares for me.

… my husband, who has been there for me through thick and thin.  

Any many more things to numerous to list - I am so much to be thankful for.  


Creatively yours,

Jill Noël

Monday, November 21, 2011

One Day at a Time

Hi all,

Well I have to admit I'm a little disappointed in the slow pace of my recovery! I really thought by day 14 post op I would be walking unassisted but that is not the case:(

I must be more patient with myself after all my hip has been giving me problems for years. And I do believe in the story of the tortoise and the hare and slow and steady wins the race. And I am not competing with anyone here is if time is what I need time is what it will be.

Wishing you well and a non hectic Thanksgiving!

Jill Noël

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Wishing you a wonderful Thanksgiving!


Well it's day 12 post op and I'm getting better each and every day!  I have a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving.  How about you?  Remember to make each and every day count!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 7 Post Op - Thankful for you my readers!


Hi all,

Well, it's now day 7 post op and I'm getting better each and every day.  I still need to use the walker to get around which is frustrating to me because I went in walking without any assistance and I've come out needing a walker.  However, I've been sleeping almost 10 hours a night which I'm sure is helping the healing process.  I'm thankful for you my readers and appreciate all the well wishes.  Take care of yourself and make sure to make each and every day count!!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Happy Monday - Wishing you all a beautiful day today - talk soon!

The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity 
to accept the things I cannot change; 
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time; 
Enjoying one moment at a time; 
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; 
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it; 
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life 
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.

--Reinhold Niebuhr

In loving memory of
Fr Bertram Griffin -- 1932-2000
Requiescat in Pace

Trust in the LORD with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways acknowledge him,
and he will direct your paths.

Proverbs 3, 5-6

Sunday, November 6, 2011

It's been a fall weekend here in Northern California!


Hi all,

Tomorrow will be a big day for me!  I'm praying for a non-eventful surgery tomorrow and a very speedy recovery (yes for myself).  I'm as about as prepared for tomorrow as I can be.  I honestly really do not know exactly what to expect and not too sure I want to KNOW everything I will be going through.  This way though I don't have time to worry or dwell on it.  I feel extremely blessed that I will have my immediately family with me (or waiting for me) during this time.  I'm praying my BP doesn't sky rocket like it did after each of my two c-sections!  I know I'm in good hands and all should be fine and after I've recovered I will be pain free and that's the best part of it.  I also will be "home for the holidays" which is great!

Until I'm in touch again wishing you well. 

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

That Personal Touch

Well Halloween has come and gone and now we are moving on to Thanksgiving!  I have to admit I've been a little caught up in myself lately (see below) and, am sorry to say, I didn't even decorate for Halloween.  When my girls were younger I decorated all the time and each year it was more elaborate than the last. Note:  I do have pumpkins though - got to have those!

My hip replacement surgery is scheduled next month - oops actually this month now.  Yes, I know I'm not that old and I have no elaborate story to tell as to the why and how - outside of all my years dancing :)  I am looking forward to being pain free and able to walk my hilly neighborhood without pain and even get back to my all time favorite sport mountain bike riding. I am kind of looking forward to being home for some time but also worried about my staff at work.  I will certainly be in touch with them but they are going through trying times with an upcoming wage reduction.  And the uncertainty of the times is taking a toll on people.  In that regard, I feel guilty not being available on premise for them.  I do know I need to take this time for me to have a speedy recovery but I believe, that personal touch, is just a very important part of who I am! On a side note, I hope this is true for my surgeon too!

So for those of you I know personally and those I've never met, I care too about you and appreciate your taking the time to read my blog.

Hope you have a great day.


Jill Noël



Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween

Wow this weather is really sending out mixed signals - today it is approaching the 80's but Thursday there is a possibility of snow!

I have to admit I've not been on my studio in a few days as I have been diverted to the kitchen where I baked the best zucchini bread ever! Thanks Paula Dean!

I've also been unable to put down the autobiography on Steve Jobs! Too bad it's not "text to speech" as I LOVE that feature on my kindle! 

Hope you all are having a peaceful enjoyable Sunday.

Be safe out there on Halloween!

Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone 

Thursday, October 27, 2011

The week is winding down & time to be creative!

I am so thankful that the work week is winding down - today and a few hours tomorrow and then it's the weekend for me.  I will be working on my studio to get it all ready for my extended creative time while I'm recovering from surgery.  All the photos above were taken in our beautiful Lake County!  I feel so fortunate to live in such an aww inspiring location.  Are you inspired by where you live.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Happy weekend!

Happy Saturday morning. Do you all have big plans for this weekend?
Well I do and it's all focused around being creative. Are you going
to make it count? I am.

Have a great weekend!

Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Happy Wednesday

Hi all,

Well it's been a busy week for me this week and will be through tomorrow.  I'm heading to the State Capitol today for meetings.  Work has been crazy busy and continues to be.  Once I'm home recuperating I won't know what to do with myself.  That's really not true as I can always keep myself busy and it sounds like I will be up and about soon after my surgery.

I'm hoping to make big changes in my overall health - stay tuned.

Have a great day!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy birthday Amanda

Today is my beautiful daughter's GOLDEN birthday! Happy birthday
Amanda I love you Mom!

Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone

Thursday, October 13, 2011

One day at a time & more importantly One Step at a Time


Hi all,

Well I had confirmation yesterday from a surgeon and have surgery scheduled beginning of November.
Blue Sunrise - Atlantic Beach, NC

I am going to turn this into a positive and do believe this is a positive.  From all of our trials we grow and improve ourselves so I've been blessed with another opportunity to grow.  Ultimately, I pretty much knew the surgery was needed which in turn puts me off work for several weeks.  Being proactive, I have already geared up with my "creative" supplies to keep myself busy and creative while I'm recuperating.  Yes, maybe too optimistic for some but I do believe this is the positive thinking that will bring about the changes I want to occur in my life.

Meet that challenge head on and learn and more importantly GROW.

Remember life is a journey (not a destination) and I'm very blessed to HAVE this journey.

It's a great day (no matter what) and I am thankful for this beautiful day! 


Sunday, October 9, 2011



Wise words to live by!

Cultivate virtue, do no harm and tame your mind!

Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone

A Beautiful Sunday to All - I'm looking forward to one more day off!


Hi all,

Yesterday I attended the 14th Annual Harvest Festival at Steele Winery  and was so impressed with the Art at the vendor booths I just had to share some of them  linked below. We were inspired by all of the artisans and were thankful to have this wonderful event offered in our local area.  Thank you to all for the great inspiration and the beautiful works of art we did purchase.  Just wish my budget allowed a sampling from all the booths! 


I've also included a photo from one of the local photographers who's work was extraordinary!

We also purchased a couple of beautiful ceramic mugs from Knox Gillespie who offered a free palm reading with purchase.  He was "right on" with what he told my daughter.  I truly wanted to thank you for your time spent with us it was very inspirational. 

We ended the day with a good dinner at a local Mexican Restaurant, Angels in Finley,  with great friends who treated - thank you Preaders!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Treasure Today

Every moment you get is a gift. Spend it on things that matter. Don’t spend it by dwelling on unhappy things. - Unknown

So true!

Wishing everyone a great day!

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Are you a conqueror?


Hi all,

I'm still focusing on my goals - are you?  Are you a conqueror of your goals?  If not, why not?  All it takes is that initial first step - do it today!  An inspirational quote from Thomas Jefferson

.Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude.

ThThomas Jefferson

omas Jefferson

-Creatively yours,

Jill Noël

Monday, October 3, 2011

Monday is here along with the First rain of the season

Hi all,

I hope you had a wonderful weekend!  Hard to believe but we will have our first rain of the season today!  And, of course, it's Monday.  I need to keep a positive attitude today and always.  My focus will be on all the positives in my life (not the negatives). I won't give the negatives any power by even detailing them.  Hope you will do the same!

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fall is Here!!


Are you ready?  Fall is here and I am hardly ready for the holidays that will shortly (90 days) be upon us!  What are you doing to prepare for the fall!  Are you an avid crafter and find this time a grand time of creativity?  My creativity has been waning but therefore so has the moon.

I need to recharge my creativity bank - how will you do it?

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël

Thursday, September 22, 2011


The work week is winding down.  And I'm curious how often are your decisions based on finances?  Does everything you do revolve around the 
"the almighty buck"?  eReviewing your prior decisions made around the $ were they good choices for your internal path?  However, when you have chosen to share your $, were those better choices?  We are so conditioned to be "striving" for more, more, more, when is enough, enough?  Just some things to ponder as you through your day to day.

Remember to make it count.

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël



Each and every day we are presented with many choices but those big "life changing" choices really makes one stop and wonder "will I make the right choice".  You have to put the question out there and you will just "know" the right answer when you get it - make sense?

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël



Each and every day we are presented with many choices but those big "life changing" choices really makes one stop and wonder "will I make the right choice".  You have to put the question out there and you will just "know" the right answer when you get it - make sense?

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël

Tuesday, September 20, 2011



I am feeling a little drained this morning. I had a very long day yesterday but managed to complete almost every task on my daily goal list.

However,  I need to remember that to accomplish that goal I need to start.  Another great quote is:

A mile is a trial but an inch is a cinch! (See you at the Top, Zig Ziglar)

Have a great day!

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël

Monday, September 19, 2011

Happy Monday Morning to You!

Well, we've moved on to a new work week!  What plans do you have in store to make this week great?  Are you tracking to your goal list?  I'm trying but the first few weeks of any new habit are the hardest to work through.  BUT once you do - oh it is so easy after that.  

Here's to making it count.

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Off to Harvest Festival @ Cobb Elementary School

Hi All,

I'm off to the Harvest Festival @ Cobb Elementary School.  Any of you locals going to be there?

Let me know and thanks.

End of this Week or Start of a new Week


Hi all,

Well, I've officially started a "goal list".  I've been reading a great motivational book that stated "you can't win if there's not a goal" (goal post, goal net or goal list)!  How true is that?  Really, if you don't know what your goals are in life - how in the world can you succeed at it?  So I've spent the morning designing a spreadsheet to track (& chart) my daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly & annual goals.  Wow when you look at it like that it's a little over whelming.  But on a positive note one of my goals is to fine tune some of my computer skills and just doing this spreadsheet & charting the progress is helping with that goal.

Do you have a goal list?  If so how long have you been keeping it and how often do you review.  

Wishing everyone a great Sunday!

Creatively yours,

Jill Noël


Friday, September 16, 2011

Friday is here!

Wow I just got done with a marathon session of email replies for work
(4:30 am - 12:30pm)! Always a good feeling when you've completed a
task! However all my email replies generate more emails back to me -
it's a vicious cycle and a never ending one at that unless you quit!

However it is now officially the start of my weekend - hooray!

Wishing you a great weekend everyone!

Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Half way through the week!


Hi all,

Well our weather is definitely changing here (already).  And for me, this is the season that has historically been my most creative time.  Everyday items become works of art and I focus on the creative energy that went into the design of it.  This is not a conscious choice however it is something that I am now consciously aware of.  With each unfolding year I'm going deeper within myself to understand the "MYSTERY OF ME".  It's amazing to read my journals over the years to see the changes I've made within me by being in the moment and maintaining (okay trying to) a positive attitude with each and every issue, decision and project that comes my way.  Again all part of "Making it Count" on this journey of life!

Hope you have a great day and be sure to take time (even 5 minutes) to focus on you today and every day because when you do the rest just seems to fall into place. 


Jill Noël 

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Brittney!

September 13, 2011

Wow - 21 years ago today my beautiful daughter Brittney was born.  Some times it seems like just yesterday and then, of course, other days it seems longer than that!

I'm wishing her a beautiful birthday even though she is in a "valley" in her life right now which means she will be going back up to the "peak" real soon.

Wishing her the best this life has to offer and, as always, helping her to "make it count".

Have a beautiful day my friends.


Jill Noël

Monday, September 12, 2011

Monday's Here - Are you ready?

Wow - fall didn't waste any time getting here!  We are suppose to get Thunderstorms this afternoon!  Those are the days I love to spend in my studio creating :)  

I'm making it count - are you?

Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone

Sunday, September 11, 2011

End of the Weekend

Hi all,   The weekend is coming to an end and the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is behind us.  We will never forget and it feels as if it were yesterday.   I tried to 'MAKE IT COUNT" - did you?  My creative energy was flowing as the leaves are starting to fall.   Have a great week.  


Jill Noël

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer is waning!

Even though the days are getting shorter it brings with it the glorious days of fall! I am in such a good place right now and looking forward to another creative season! We are ending our summer with life long friends enjoying Mother Nature's Creativity in the awe inspiring and wonderment of the California Redwoods! These magnificent, majestic trees will take your breath away! If you never stood next to one I highly recommend it just to get a sense of the magnificence of these giants!

Here's to a great day!


Jill Noel

Sent from my iPad

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Being on vacation is heavenly!


We are taking advantage of everything Mother Nature has to offer -
water, snow and the majestic mountains!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Last night driving home after work and dinner with a good friend I saw the most beautiful sight. Out my windshield I saw almost a full moon rising next to beautiful Mount Konocti and out the rear view mirror saw a beautiful sunset. It was so amazing. I felt so blessed to have been able to witness this after a long, hard frustrating day! Oh if only the beauty I saw and the blessing I felt stayed with me longer than the drive! What are your strategies for holding onto good thoughts?


Jill Noel

Monday, June 13, 2011

A beautiful Monday!

Good Monday Morning everyone,

I hope this post find you all well enjoying your Monday! Yes, I know it's Monday but that doesn't mean it has to be typical.

I have been very busy creating new lanyards and bracelets. I am so excited and have posted two of them on Etsy (great site btw) and also have a beautiful bracelet selling on ebay (member4457818) - check it out - you'll get if for a steal even at the "buy it now" price.

Happy Monday,


Jill Noel Sent from my iPad

Monday, June 6, 2011

Bears & Dragons Necklace $75.00 pay with PayPal to

Bronzite rectangular needs, Ryalite Zuni Bears & Pewter Dragon Disc


Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone

Heavenly Blue Lanyard $24.00 pay with PayPal to


Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Lanyard


Jill Noël

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Beginnings

I'm grateful for new beginnings! What are you grateful for?

Just celebrated my Mother's 85th birthday! She's amazing and I miss her and the rest of the family.

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Kind regards,

Jill Noël
Sent from my iPhone

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Wild Notecards


10 cards & envelopes (5 different designs) $20

Kind regards,

Jill Noël

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More Notecards


Set of 10 (5 designs) cards with envelopes Kind regards,

Jill Noël

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